The nest

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The nest

Phil M.
Hi All,
I rode out to the nest today and observed no activity.  I did notice how much the other trees and branches have grown around the nest.  I think it will become difficult to get photos of the nest when they return.  I hope our Eagles won't have any problems getting into the nest.
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Re: The nest

hi phil, yeap you're right trees has grown so much but last week one of our eagles were sitting in one their favorite spot on the dead trees, i also wanna comment for anyone who does not lives around here our juvie is close to us i see it every time i had to take okeechobee road he/she is always sitting in one of the dead trees that are close to the road like about 20 to 30 feet from the road like about a mile or less before you get to krome avenue i ussually see him/her in the afternoon or very early in the morning he/she looks great!!!!!! i know this 'cause i live here in jonhson and okeechobee if you have any question please just reply back.
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Re: The nest

Phil M.
Thats great to hear you saw one of the adults last week.  The male usually comes back a few times throughout the summer for a couple days.  I was out there early this morning and didn't see any activity.  Sad about the trees, it will be hard to see the nest.