Thursday, May 27 - chicks soaring

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Thursday, May 27 - chicks soaring

Jay and Mar
Thursday at about 11:30, Jay & I stopped by the nest to find it empty, as Ken did earlier.
However, as we waited maybe 15 minutes, we spotted one of the chicks flying in from the
north.  He circled the nest area, flew over the dead malalucas and north  again, calling out.
Suddenly it began circling over the pines east of the nest tree and flew higher.  It must
have gotten an answer because it seemed to have a purpose.  It then disappeared into a
cumulus cloud just above the favored pine.  The next thing we saw were 2 birds flying out
of the cloud.  As we watched facinated by all this we eventually saw 4 eagles flying in
and out of the cloud.  It was as if one of the parents was teaching the chicks to soar.  
After about 10 minutes they all disappeared.  I could not get a picture as they were
thousands of feet up, but it was really special  just to watch.
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Re: Thursday, May 27 - chicks soaring

Carolyn J
It certainly is an awesome sight to behold something like that, isn't it?!