Doug Young, President of South Florida Audubon and chair of the Pembroke Pines Eagle Sanctuary Steering Committee has announced that Trisha Norton, veteran eagle watcher, has been invited to serve on that body. Trisha has served many hours as an observer and interpreter for visitors since early in the 2008-2009 breeding cycle. Most recently, she provided valuable assistance in a meeting between Committee members and a representative of Florida Power and Light Company, addressing concerns about trimming or removal of roost trees along the FPL transmission lines, and measures to reduce the threat of collision with wires and electrocution on power poles.
Kelly Smith, who discovered the nest in 2007, and I were appointed upon formation of the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee held its first meeting on June 1, 2009, at which time Al Griffin, another veteran observer was appointed to membership.
Minutes of the first meeting (pending approval by the Committee at its next meeting)
may be viewed here. The names of the other members of the Committee are listed therein.