Your photos are beautiful! The wind seemed to keep the branches between us and the birds no matter where we stood.
We checked the nest at about 9:45 AM today. A few minutes after we arrived an adult brought in unidentified prey. The eaglet was begging loudly, but it assumed a submissive posture, staying low in the nest and passively waiting for the adult to offer the food. This is in sharp contrast with the previous broods. At this age, the parents were practically driven off the nest as soon as they brought in food. We wonder whether this behaviour relates to the fact the eaglet does not have to compete with siblings and there is no reward for being aggressive.
On arrival the eaglet looked alert and was calling as if hungry.

Here, the eaglet waits patiently while the adult tears at the prey.

When being fed, the eaglet stays very low in the nest.

We never got any good views of the eaglet. Both adults briefly roosted together in the tall pine along the road east of the nest. They were hidden among the branches, but I got a good head shot.