1831 posts
Urgent -- request for help confirming new nest
Shawnlei Breeding, Audubon EagleWatch Coordinator, sent this request. I am unable to respond at this time, but hope someone out there can assist in visiting this location.
Shawnlei wrote (MAR 19):
I’m not sure if this would be too far for you to check on, but FWC just let me know that someone reported a new Bald Eagle nest not too far from the Pembroke Pines area, just east of the turnpike and south of 852/NW 215th St. The nest is in some trees slated for development at NW 7th Ave and NW 203rd St.
Would you be able to go by to check this or know anyone in the area who might be willing to verify this is an active eagle nest?
If someone can go out, please let us know here on this Sub-Forum to avoid duplication of effort, and also let Shawnlei know the results of your effort. Since this is an area facing development, it is of the utmost importance to confirm the nest if it is indeed located here. Shawnlei's contact info:
Shawnlei Breeding
Audubon EagleWatch Program Manager
1101 Audubon Way
Maitland, FL 32751
407-644-0190, x118
The location of the nest appears, on Google Earth, to be cut off from the west and appears to be approachable from the east side. Coming from the area west of Florida's Turnpike:
Get to SR 852 eastbound either by going east/north on the Turnpike Extension or taking South University Drive south and turning east on SR 852.
Turn right (South) on US 441 (State Route 7) from SR 852
then take the first right (west) on NW 207th St, continue and make a left turn south on NW 7th Avenue
and then turn right (west) on NW 203 St
Take the first right (north) on NW 7th Avenue.
The nest is near the NE corner of NW 7th avenue and NW 203 St, marked with the yellow pushpin. The second map is an enlargement with the local route marked.

Thanks to anyone who may be able to help!