1831 posts
This post was updated on Aug 27, 2016; 6:07pm.
This has been an unusual summer, at the Pembroke Pines nest BO-002 as adults (Pride and Jewel) and the single surviving eaglet (Spirit) have been seen repeatedly after May 15, which was the "official" end of the 2015-2016 breeding season. Of course, this was because the local pair had an unprecedented second brood after losing the first.
Spirit, who hatched on about March 16 was only about 60 days old on May 15 and did not take her first flight until a full month later.
The adults have been seen on or near the nest territory repeatedly and may well begin nest restoration at any time.
Let's all continue to keep an eye out for activities around the nest and see when we may witness courtship activities or adults carrying nest materials.