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Use this SUB-FORUM beginning in AUGUST, 2017 for current breeding season

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Use this SUB-FORUM beginning in AUGUST, 2017 for current breeding season

1831 posts
Please post current sightings in this Sub-Forum. We may expect to see the adults appear at the nest during September. Be alert for signs of courtship and nest building.

Normally we can expect the first egg to be deposited around mid-December, but this past season they did not start incubating until early January. This was most certainly due to the fact that in the 2015-16 season they lost their first brood and did not lay a second clutch until early February The eaglets hatched in mid-March and remained dependent until late June, almost two month later than normally expected.

After their late start to this past breeding season, it will be interesting to see if they get back to a more normal schedule.
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Re: Use this SUB-FORUM beginning in AUGUST, 2017 for current breeding season

64 posts
Hi ken:

I'm so worried about the breeding season this year, i have seen one of them don't know if the female or male perching at the branches in the nest, i have not seen any activities about restoration at all, yesterday morning i saw one of them flying in top of the light of pines blvd and us 27 and headed towards the everglades maybe looking for food, i see at least one them every day at the nest not an especifict time though, lets cross our fingers as soon i see them both togethers at the nest i will let you know .

hope you find this information useful.
