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Visit to the next January 13 around noon

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Visit to the next January 13 around noon

29 posts

I stopped by today, hoping to get a glimpse of the eaglet/s.   I got a shot of an adult eagle just sitting in the next.  Nothing exciting going on, no other adult in view.    

Our next stop was Everglades Holiday Park.   Very exciting there, as someone did catch a 10 foot python, but if you can believe my stupidity, I had left my camera in the trunk.   grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr     Very active over there, lots of fish and wildlife officers, tons of tourists, tons of python hunters, Chris from gatorboys doing his show.   I don't know what brought everyone out there, whether it was the python hunt or the gator boys.     The python hunters we spoke to, were entering but most were heading down past the broward line into Miami-Dade.     Its all very interesting.

They are definetly improving the park and campground.