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WED APR 9 -- Both eaglets back on the nest and being fed

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WED APR 9 -- Both eaglets back on the nest and being fed

1831 posts
Mary Lou and I arrived at the nest just before 9:00 AM and found both eaglets on the nest, calling rather loudly. One watcher who was already there said they were fed by an adult a little while earlier. At 9:25 an adult arrived with unknown prey. The eaglets mobbed him (we presume it was Pride) and he flew off to the rear of the nest within a few seconds. The eaglets quickly ate the prey and resumed calling. Only about 10 minutes later the female (Joy) arrived and was likewise mobbed. There was competition between the siblings and they also drove the parent to roost at the side of the nest. She later took up her customary roost in the roadside pine just east of the nest, at about 9:40 flew up and circled the nest area before disappearing to the north.
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Re: WED APR 9 -- Both eaglets back on the nest and being fed

285 posts
I must have just missed you, Ken, arriving around 11am.   Before I could even get the camera from the car I saw an adult with a fish circling into the left nest from over the road and dropping it without stopping.  One of the eaglets immediately began ripping at it, as the other stood quietly behind, watching.  Lots of loud calling and chirping.  The adult disappeared.

About 25 minutes later an adult appeared again after circling the nest just above the tree line and this time landed on the nest with undetermined prey. The adult stood and watched as the same eaglet began to eat and the other stood passively, still just watching. The adult took off after about 5 minutes of watching and circled through the trees. It landed to the left of the nest, partially obscured by tree needles, about 10-15 ft above the nest. All 3 were still in that position when I left about 12:05.  I still only saw one eaglet eating and one watching so I am glad that Ken saw both of them eating earlier.  I took tons of images, so let me know, Ken, if you need any for documentation or for the site.
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Re: WED APR 9 -- Both eaglets back on the nest and being fed

1831 posts
Thanks, Trisha-- I just posted a few of mine.

I got so many shots that it was difficult to decide which to keep or discard to save hard drive space! In the past, you may remember that we have seen them bring an overabundance of food to the nest just after the eaglets fledged, perhaps to lure them back and make then keep coming back for a few weeks until they gain flight and hunting skills.

I hope we soon see some aerial action from the eaglets-- in the past they have even "played tag" and locked talons in midair.

I hope watchers keep dropping by to make sure they don't run into trouble with the power lines or the road.