Wed, 26 Mar 2014, 10:45-noon

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Wed, 26 Mar 2014, 10:45-noon

Very windy at the nest today. No "jumping on the trampoline" as they were Sat. morning when I drove by quickly.  They looked cold....tucked close together and no wing flapping.  One adult in preferred Pine left of nest along fence and other adult flew in on the nest but without food.  It stayed with the eaglets on the nest for a few minutes and then jumped up to the branch just above the nest right and was still there when I left.  I wondered if the wind was so strong they were not practicing their helicoptering so they accidentally weren't blown off the nest.  It also seemed like the adult was just above watching them to make sure they were careful.  It would stare down and let out a quick, sharp chirp off and on. (Just another mother guessing what I would be