eagle nest

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eagle nest

At 3:40 this afternoon, November 26th, I drove by the eagle nest and stopped on the north side and walked into the meridian to see if the eagles were there.  I was looking at the nest when I spotted a single adult fly west to the melaleuca forest and perch on one of the trees.  I was there for about 15 minutes and the eagle was still perched on the melaleuca tree.  I only saw one eagle, and I did not see where it was perched before it moved to the melaleuca forest, I thought perhaps the nest but it was raining and I did not have binoculars or a camera so it was hard to tell.

Has anyone seen the other adult?
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Re: eagle nest

I don't want to be an alarmist, but no one has seen two eagles at the same time since November 11, over two weeks ago. All photos since then have been of the same individual, as identified by the brown tip on a single outer tail feather. The one that has been seen has been engaged in building the nest. I believe both sexes participate in this task. If one of the pair has indeed gone missing, and it is the male, the female is more likely to abandon the nest in search of a mate. A lone male is said to remain more faithful to the nest territory, and try to attract another mate to join him there.

Let's be vigilant and continue to report all sightings and activities. I photographed the pair actively courting in early December, two years ago. Last year the female laid eggs in mid-December.
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Re: eagle nest

In reply to this post by Kathy

Is this the nest on Pines Blvd.?  I was out there yesterday and couldn't find anything and was told the nest has been empty for months???  
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Re: eagle nest

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RE: eagle nest

In reply to this post by raptorfan
The eagles do not use the nest during the off breeding season but do return when the season begins again.  Please be aware of the new regulations that state we must view the nest from across the street that no one is allowed to stop in front of the nest or they will ticket you.

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Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 12:01:28 -0800
From: [hidden email]
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: eagle nest


Is this the nest on Pines Blvd.?  I was out there yesterday and couldn't find anything and was told the nest has been empty for months???  

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