nest OK after last nights wind

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nest OK after last nights wind

Kelly Smith
I heard the wind last night and couldn't wait to see if all was well this morning.  The nest appeared empty at 7:15 but an adult was roosting in the maleluecas.  It looked very wet and bedraggled!  After about a half hour it flew to the top of a power pole, sat there for a few minutes, and then proceeded to break off a branch from the maleluecas.  The branch was delivered to the nest. There did not appear to be any interactions with eaglets while the adult was at the nest.  It flew back to the maleluecas and sat there, facing to the west.  It was very cold - 49degrees, so I did not stay any longer.  It was a relief to see that the nest was still in the tree, after all of the wind last night!
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Re: nest OK after last nights wind

Jill W
Oh, I'm so glad.  Thanks for checking, Kelly.  I was worried, too.