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8am-10am, Sun., 4 Oct. 09....both adults on the nest

Posted by Trisha on Oct 04, 2009; 5:45pm
URL: http://bald-eagles-of-broward-county-florida.17.s1.nabble.com/Single-adult-flying-above-nest-10-4-tp3764364p3764692.html

 My previous visits to the nest for this breeding season (minus the eagles) were generously rewarded this morning when both adults were sitting on the nest! Tom, Umberto and I spent a couple hours watching as the eagles moved back and forth between the maleleucas and their nest. At first, one was rearranging sticks and the other adult flew off and perched in the maleleucas for about an hour. The adult on the nest soon flew off to the south and returned a short time later from that same direction with a stick that was placed on the top of the nest, and then after some rearranging, flew to the maleleucas, landing on a dead trunk west of the other adult. They were there about 30 minutes together and then one flew back to the nest and we watched the other as it spiraled higher and higher from east to west over the nest woods. We must have been watching the same adult as Kelly! The adult on the nest had only stayed a short while and had taken off again to the south. They were as exhilarating and beautiful as the first time I saw them last season!