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Woo Hoo!! I'm so pleased!

Posted by Jill W on Nov 20, 2010; 1:36am
URL: http://bald-eagles-of-broward-county-florida.17.s1.nabble.com/Woo-Hoo-I-m-so-pleased-tp5757169.html

Stopped by the nest area at about 2:10 this afternoon (11-19) and saw BOTH eagles at the same time.  One was sitting on the nest and the other was about 20' away perched on a branch of an Australian Pine to the E.  By the time I picked up my camera and got it aimed, the brat flew away to the E.  The one on the nest remained there for at least 30 minutes.  I got into a conversation with a gentleman on a bike and missed seeing the one on the nest fly away.

I found a great place to see the nest.  My car was parked on the N. side of the road about 8' to the W of the school sign and I climbed to the top of the car and sat there.  This way, I could (most of the time, depending how the wind was blowing) get a pretty good view with binocs and camera of the nest and the bird on it.

It's not possible that there could be an egg there already, is it?
