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LIVE Bald Eagle Nest Camera in Iowa

Posted by NewMexiKen on Feb 26, 2011; 3:35pm
URL: http://bald-eagles-of-broward-county-florida.17.s1.nabble.com/LIVE-Bald-Eagle-Nest-Camera-in-Iowa-tp6067807.html

Although this does not apply to our local eagles, I believe we all are interested in seeing a nest camera in action. Hopefully, the Florida Department of Transportation and the City of Pembroke Pines will be soon teaming up to place a camera on the light pole opposite our eagle nest on Pines Boulevard. Notice the traffic noises around this nest-- sounds familiar!

Bob Andrini, President of Kane County (Illinois) Audubon Society sent me this e-mail with a link to an excellent nest camera view of the incubating adult. The site contains links to other nest cameras. You must first view a brief commercial, but it is worth the wait! (Attracting advertisers helps support the site)

This is a live 24-hour camera that's on an eagles' nest in Iowa.  

They're expecting them to lay eggs any day now (last year, she laid 3!), and then it takes about 35 days for them to hatch.  We've seen some pretty amazing--and sometimes rather graphic--footage of them having dinner, building the nest up, and sharpening their beaks.  

The kids are glued to this, and we are too...we've found that the best times to catch them in their nest are right around daybreak, at lunch, and early evening.  Enjoy!

IOWA EAGLE NEST CAMERA (be sure to view it with full screen!

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