Thanks Ken! You are a wealth of information!
From: NewMexiKen [via Bald Eagles of Broward County, Florida] [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2011 3:01 PM
To: georgia
Subject: Re: Example of LIVE Bald Eagle Nest Camera in Iowa
Georgia wrote (in reference to the Iowa nest camera):
"I’ve been trying to tell which one is the male and which is the female and can’t distinguish them. Are there any distinguishing features besides the female being larger?"
(Sorry I had to re-post your note, as it contained excessive formatting code.)
= = = = =
Georgia, in Bald Eagles, the only general distinguishing characteristic is, as you note, the greater size of the female. This applies only to members of a pair, as eagles from the north are proportionately larger and heavier than those here in Florida. Eagles in Alaska may be more than twice the weight of those in Florida, but the males will generally be significantly lighter than their mates, even though they may outweigh the females of the Florida race.
Females also have slightly larger bases of their bills and their hallux (back toe) is slightly longer, but these differences are not easily seen.
Individual eagles of either sex may exhibit peculiarities in plumage that can prove useful in telling the sex of a member of a known pair. For example, the male eagle at the Pembroke Pines nest has sported a few dark marks near the tips of its outer tail feathers, barely noticeable.
The female of the Iowa pair has some darkened feathers under her brow and around the back of her eyes. After you have been watching the pair for some time you will get to recognize both her greater bulk in relation to the size of the nest, and her distinctive face-- almost like meeting an old friend!
Ken Schneider
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