RE: Example of LIVE Bald Eagle Nest Camera in Iowa
Posted by
NewMexiKen on
Mar 10, 2011; 12:03pm
Hi, Georgia--
Thank you!
I see you again have a large amount of format code at the top of your message. Possibly you are copying the text from a word processor document, such as MS Word. Or, perhaps your e-mail program may be set to format all your messages instead of sending plain text.
If so, you can avoid the format code by first pasting the message into Notepad or other program that uses basic text formatting. Easier, just compose it in Notepad if you prefer not to write directly in the FORUM. Also, use the "Preview Message" feature here in the FORUM before you post-- that way, you can remove the code and just leave your intended message.
Other readers may know more about this issue and might offer suggestions as to how to avoid it.