RE: Example of LIVE Bald Eagle Nest Camera in Iowa
Posted by
NewMexiKen on
Mar 10, 2011; 4:13pm
Yes, Georgia. We noted here that our local female spent the nights on the nest, both when incubating and when brooding the eaglets. When the eaglets get as big as our local pair, both parents may roost near the nest. The male usually roost somewhere within sight range of the nest.
The Iowa eagles like to roost in the open window near the peak of the big white barn over to the right of the nest. The camera sometimes pans there, and you have to look carefully even when it zooms in on the window-- look for its white head against the dark window opening, as the dark body blends with the background and the tail matches the color of the barn.
As for the light being on at night, there is a powerful street light that shines right on the Pembroke Pines nest. It has not discouraged them from nesting and even raising three chicks last year. We are learning that the eagles are pretty good at adapting to disturbances, especially those nesting in urbanized areas.