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Thursday, February 23 -- all is quiet

Posted by NewMexiKen on Feb 23, 2012; 7:59pm
URL: http://bald-eagles-of-broward-county-florida.17.s1.nabble.com/Thursday-February-23-all-is-quiet-tp7313010.html

We arrived at the nest around 9:30 and stayed about a half hour. An adult was roosting on the horizontal limb above the nest, and the eaglet was rather quiet. Al was already there. He said he did not see any feeding or the second adult.

Yesterday morning, just about 10 minutes after sunrise, we were birding the wetlands SE of the nest and saw an adult flying SE from the nest location directly towards the large lake in the Sunset Lakes subdivision. This has been a fairly regular occurrence. Once, before the eggs were laid, we saw both adults following the same course at about the same time in the morning.