FRI APR 4- 9:00 AM Honor has fledged and is not in sight
Posted by
NewMexiKen on
Apr 04, 2014; 2:10pm
Glory was alone on the nest, very restless, helicoptering and hopping back and forth. Mary Lou and I watched as she climbed up the limb in front and right of the nest and then flew back to the nest three times. She seemed ready to jump off the back of the nest several times. No adults were in sight as we watched for about an hour. When we left she was preening up on the same branch.
Has any one seen both eaglets on the nest since Trisha's report on WED APR 2? Am contacting a neighbor who told us last night that she saw only one on the nest yesterday afternoon, but will try to determine how good a view she had.
Please try to stop by the nest and maybe see Glory's first free flight. Look and listen for Honor-- clues as to her position could be an adult shadowing her or calling. Also, the Blue Jays and mockingbirds like to harass the eaglets once they are out on their own, so listen for mobs of jays. Hopefully the adults will entice her to return to the nest with food, but eaglets have disappeared for anywhere from 1 to 4 days before returning to the nest.
Photos to follow.