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Re: WED APR 9 -- Both eaglets back on the nest and being fed

Posted by NewMexiKen on Apr 09, 2014; 5:41pm
URL: http://bald-eagles-of-broward-county-florida.17.s1.nabble.com/WED-APR-9-Both-eaglets-back-on-the-nest-and-being-fed-tp7573480p7573483.html

Thanks, Trisha-- I just posted a few of mine.

I got so many shots that it was difficult to decide which to keep or discard to save hard drive space! In the past, you may remember that we have seen them bring an overabundance of food to the nest just after the eaglets fledged, perhaps to lure them back and make then keep coming back for a few weeks until they gain flight and hunting skills.

I hope we soon see some aerial action from the eaglets-- in the past they have even "played tag" and locked talons in midair.

I hope watchers keep dropping by to make sure they don't run into trouble with the power lines or the road.