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DEC 22: Immature joined pair at nest; male in Melaleucas DEC 23

Posted by NewMexiKen on Dec 23, 2014; 3:23pm
URL: http://bald-eagles-of-broward-county-florida.17.s1.nabble.com/DEC-22-Immature-joined-pair-at-nest-male-in-Melaleucas-DEC-23-tp7573868.html

This morning (DEC 23) I arrived at the nest around 7:50 AM and Luis had already been there for about 45 minutes. At 7:20 he photographed the male (Pride) roosting alone in the Melaleuca snags west of the nest.

Luis reported some interesting observations from the previous day (DEC 22). Around 8:30 AM, I believe he said, both Pride and the new female fly together back and forth between the nest area and US 27. Pride was roosting near the nest when a third eagle arrived. Luis said it was a dark immature but showed some white on its head. The young bird proceeded to land on the nest and began arranging sticks while Pride stood by watching! I'm not sure where the new female was at this point.

Not sure what this means, but normally an adult would not let a visiting immature bird enter or tamper with the nest, as far as we have observed over the 8 years we have been following events at this nest. I'll hazard a guess that the breeding instinct is fading. However, Luis said that the pair did interact in flight, at one point flying towards each other and almost touching talons.