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JAN 24: Female feeding (unseen) eaglets

Posted by NewMexiKen on Jan 24, 2018; 9:43pm
URL: http://bald-eagles-of-broward-county-florida.17.s1.nabble.com/JAN-24-Female-feeding-unseen-eaglets-tp7574837.html

I arrived at the nest at about 9:05 AM. The female (Jewel) was sitting on the near edge of the nest.

After about 10 minutes the male (Pride) flew in carrying a large branch, which he deposited on the right side of the nest.

Only 2 or 3 minutes later he flew up to roost on a flimsy branch atop a pine just east of the nest tree. He remained there the entire time I watched.

In the meantime, Jewel just sat there on the nest rim until about 9:40 AM, when she started to tend and feed her brood. She tore food from prey to the right and then brought small pieces to at least two different locations to the center and to the left. Feeding continued until I departed at 10:00 AM. (That rounded object is a clump of pine needles, not the head of an eaglet!)

I never caught sight of an eaglet above the nest rim, but those little fuzzy bobble-heads should be visible very soon if not already. Please report the sighting and number of eaglets when they appear.