MAR 31: Eaglet branching & helicoptering
Posted by
NewMexiKen on
Apr 01, 2018; 11:50am
I will not be able to observe the nest until next weekend. The eaglet is at a critical stage as she is almost ready to fledge. This is when she is subject to disturbance which may cause her to fall to the ground before ready for first flight. It will be helpful if we can have frequent observations, if even very brief, to keep us apprised of the eaglet's welfare.
Phil Martin has sent these comments and photos, which are used with his permission (MAR 31, 2018). Thanks, Phil!:
Hi Ken, this morning the Eaglet was “helicoptering” quite a bit as both adults watched. At 09:16 the Eaglet branched (the first time I have observed her do this). That is Pride at the top of the photo, going to another branch as the Eaglet “Branches:”