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Swallows fly with the eagle

Posted by NewMexiKen on Dec 27, 2018; 7:33pm
URL: http://bald-eagles-of-broward-county-florida.17.s1.nabble.com/Swallows-fly-with-the-eagle-tp7575164.html

The first egg was deposited about December 4-6th, if ground observations are accurate. This means we can expect it to hatch in 5 weeks (35 days), which would be around January 9-10th. I arrived at the nest this morning at about 9:00 AM. Phil and Luis were already there, looking up to the sky. They told me that had witnessed an incubation exchange. The male (Pride) had taken over duties and his mate (Jewel) stretched her wings and circled overhead. She was joined by a flock of 10-15 Tree Swallows which flew with her as she soared. They maintained the same altitude and followed her around a couple of times. They seemed not have any hostile intent and the eagle was indifferent to their presence.

Pride remained deep in the nest. Happily, the branch which fell down in front of the nest during the wind storm has disappeared, so the nest is again in full view and shows no signs of damage.

(More photos in reply pane)