Posted by NewMexiKen on Jan 10, 2019; 9:09pm URL:
On January 5, the male Bald Eagle (Pride) was incubating deep in the nest.
Pride was once again deep in the nest on January 8th:
This morning (January 10) I watched the nest from 9:00 AM until 10:15 AM and once again found an adult which this time I think is the female (Jewel) sitting quietly, facing away from me (to the south) the entire time. She was deep in the nest but in my first views her wings were spread and it is possible that she is "tenting" to provide space for a hatching or newly hatched eaglet while continuing to cover any unhatched egg(s). However, she never stood up or appeared to be tending or feeding a chick. It was quite cold (by south Florida standards), about 50 degrees warming into the low 50s with a steady northerly breeze. The adult would take care to protect the eggs and/or eaglets from the chill.
Her white tail is next to the trunk and a bit of her back is visible, at 9:11 AM:
She looked back over her shoulder a few times but I never got to see her entire head or back. Her rounded head shape with deep forehead appears characteristic of this female (this was my best view of her head, at 9:54 AM):
At about 10:00 AM she shifted postion a bit and raised her tail. Her wing tips were together against the tail. She looks to be a little higher. Tenting? (10:04 AM):
If our calculations are correct, she laid her first egg about December 5 or 6th and thus it would be expected to hatch in about 35 days, which would be January 9 or 10 if our observations were correct.