Bald Eagle Breeding Season Milestone Spreadsheet

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Bald Eagle Breeding Season Milestone Spreadsheet

This post was updated on .
I have prepared a spreadsheet that highlights some of the observations recorded by nest watchers during the 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 breeding seasons.

A PDF report may be accessed at this link
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Re: Past Bald Eagle Breeding Season Milestones

Kelly Smith
Great information Ken.  Can I share this with my students next year?  Maybe it will spark some ideas from them.
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Re: Past Bald Eagle Breeding Season Milestones

Yes, it is provided for everyone's information.
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Re: Past Bald Eagle Breeding Season Milestones

In reply to this post by NewMexiKen
Thanks did an awesome job of compiling all the information! It really is interesting to see the milestones in chronological order and remember how quickly the eaglets grew and how often a new appearance or behavior was observed by the nest watchers. I can't wait for the process to begin again, and now that we have a base line, we will be able to compare current observations with this previous documentation and watch for other details that we may have missed the first time. We will better know what to anticipate and that alone will help fine tune our observations!
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Re: Past Bald Eagle Breeding Season Milestones

Jill W
In reply to this post by NewMexiKen
Wow!  This is great, Ken, for remembering everything we were so lucky to see.  It will also be helpful when we watch the next family grow.  Thank you!
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Re: Bald Eagle Breeding Season Milestone Spreadsheet

In reply to this post by NewMexiKen
I have pinned the "Eagle Milestone Spreadsheet" folder to the top of the observation page.

It appears that a third chick has not been seen since April 24th, when one was about 15 feet off the ground. Since the chicks are now moving around it is difficult to be certain of the total number. However, they have tended to roost together for the first couple of weeks after fledging, and to come together at the nest for feedings (even flying in with a parent that may be bringing in a prey item). On the 25th and 26th, only two were seen feeding and roosting together, so this may be evidence that one chick may be unable to get to the nest.

If this observation is confirmed today, I suggest that Brian Mealey and/or FWS be so notified of the possibility that an eaglet may be down and injured. They can decide whether to conduct or authorize a search of the area around the nest tree.