Both adults present at 9:15 this morning

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Both adults present at 9:15 this morning

It was 82 degrees, cloudy with a slight drizzle when Mary Lou and I stopped for a brief visit to the nest. There was one adult roosting in the usual spot in the Australian Pine to the left (east) of the nest. From its slender shape and impression of smaller size, I thought it probably was the male. (Look closely at its tail-- do I see some brown streaking as the male has shown for at least the past two breeding seasons? We should pay attention to this and see if we can differentiate them by this feature again this year.) The other adult was sitting high on the nest and did not appear to be arranging any sticks. Earlier, we walked the boardwalk at Chapel Trail Nature Preserve and did not find many birds. the resident Sandhill Crane posed for a photo.

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Re: Both adults present at 9:15 this morning

Mike Fossler
Looks like I missed you and the second adult eagle by about 15mins!

I went by Saturday afternoon and didn't see either eagle - so I went to Chapel Trail. Didn't see anything there either until on my way out when I saw this little blue!
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Re: Both adults present at 9:15 this morning

In reply to this post by NewMexiKen
I was on my way to the Redlands for an orchid show and saw you w/camera.
 It's eagle time!