Brokenhearted Pride DEC 13

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Brokenhearted Pride DEC 13

Phil Martin may have a point here. Have others felt the same? He writes (DEC 13)

Hi Ken,
I visited the nest at 7:30 and 9:45 and there was no activity.  I returned at 12:30 and found Pride sitting in his nest.  I watched him for approximately 30 minutes and he hardly moved, only turning his head skyward to occasionally look up.

A poet once wrote, he never saw a wild animal feel sorry for itself.  I say, he never saw a Bald Eagle that lost his mate.  Pride looks "Broken Hearted" to me.


Photo is property of Phil Martin and is posted with permission

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Re: Brokenhearted Pride DEC 13

Maria Rosa Drake
I will agree with Phil. There are people that say animals have no feelings. I completely disagree. Here is why:

 Nine years ago Pancho, a male chihuahua I had, passed away. At that time my one year old chihuahua Lupe was distraught and it took her ten months to turn into the happy puppy she was before Pancho died. I had two other puppies at the time, but she really loved Pancho.  
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Re: Brokenhearted Pride DEC 13 / Remembering Joy

In reply to this post by NewMexiKen