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Everyone at nest today

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Everyone at nest today

53 posts
Great day today. The eaglet was on a branch off the large branch coming off the nest tree to the east. Jewel was in the pinetree next to the sidewalk aong Pines Blvd. where they often perch and Pride was at the melalucas. Note-Pride looks thin. I hope he is well. I hope Ken get home soon so he can get some good pics of them.
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Re: Everyone at nest today

1831 posts
Thanks, johnnye, for keeping us all posted. It is so heartening to see that Jewel has succeeded despite all the adversity. Sorry I have not been able to visit the nest but plan to return in a couple of weeks. By then the youngster will probably be out hunting on her own, maybe far to the north. This week I had the chance to see some eagles in Minnesota, most of which were rehabilitated but not releasable, at the National Eagle Center.
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Re: Everyone at nest today

53 posts
no problem, happy to do my part. I love seeing the family doing well, just wish I had a camera.  I visited the nest today, Friday about 2:35 and saw only the eaglet. She was sitting comfortably in the nest. No adults were there.
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Re: Everyone at nest today

70 posts
In reply to this post by johnnye
That's really GREAT news.  I miss Ken too - and the awesome photographs!