Back home in Florida, I visited the nest during the day a couple of times this past week but failed to see either the eaglet or any adult eagles. Earlier this week (on JULY 13) while walking at the south end of the unpaved portion of Miramar Parkway/SW 196th Ave I saw an adult eagle flying from the nest area towards the large lake in Sunset Lakes. This was at 6:48 AM, about 10 minutes after sunrise.

Again this morning (JULY 17) at the same location, just after sunrise (6:43 AM), an adult Bald Eagle flew overhead, following the same flight path towards the large lake in Sunset Lakes.

About a half hour later at the north end of the roadway I saw a juvenile eagle perched in the dead Melaleucas along the Pembroke Road right-of-way, about 1 mile east of the nest. A mockingbird was harassing the young bird. A large bird, this is quite certainly "Spirit," who is about 4 months (approximately 123 days) old today.

I watched it roosting for about a half hour before it flew a short ways to the east in another dead tree, this time partly obscured from view. It was still there when i departed at about 8:00 AM