Lunch arrived @ 12:12pm :)

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Lunch arrived @ 12:12pm :)

One Eagle was sitting on the egg/eggs when the other one flew in with lunch,  I think this was Pride, can someone confirm :D
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Re: Lunch arrived @ 12:12pm :)

Wow, great shot, Desiree! If incubation has begun it is very likely that it was the female sitting in the nest. I'd only be guessing, but this eagle appears slimmer around the belly. Interesting to see the suggestion of some pigmentation towards the tip of one or more tail feathers. This is most likely due to staining, but remember that the male showed brown tips on his tail feathers for two seasons. Bears close watching.

If incubation is confirmed by observations over then next couple of days we can more safely predict a hatch date of Saturday, January 11th. Let's see.
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Our egg has arrive!!!!

Yeap we can confirm our egg has arrive even if we dont have a picture by our observation i'm possitibly sure that we have an egg i arrive to the nest this morning at 6:45am i heard some vocalizing only saw one, was little dark but i stay there and as soon i could have visibility our female was at the nest laying there i left at 7:55am and she never move she were there laying at the nest all the time!!! did not saw the male though, so we can confirm we have an egg maybe the egg were lay sometime saturday because on friday they were still bringing material together dont know WHAT SO THINK ABOUT LAYING EGG DATE!!!!!ONLY I KNOW IS THAT WE NOW CAN CELEBRATE TOGETHER THANK YOU JOY AND PRIDE FOR GIVING US THE OPORTUNITY OF WATCHING YOU AND LEARN FROM YOU!!!
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Re: Our egg has arrive!!!!

Yes, Velinda, it does appear that the egg was most likely deposited on Saturday, December 7th. That would be "Day Zero," so the corrected date of "Day 35," the average hatch day of the first egg would be SUNDAY January 12th. Thanks for getting out there so early this morning!
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Re: Lunch arrived @ 12:12pm :)

In reply to this post by NewMexiKen
Hi Ken, Thanks for responding, I think this was the male too, she was definitely incubating, she ate the fish the male brought her then she rock her bottom side to side as she sat back on the egg/eggs.
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Re: Our egg has arrive!!!!

In reply to this post by MyEagle13
Yep they have an egg!  I was there Sat. and she was laying in the nest and her mate brought her a fish, she ate it then resume incubating the egg :D
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Re: Our egg has arrive!!!!

I was there Sat morning until about 10:00 am ,. she was in the nest he showed up and she left, they exchanged shifts as he laid in the nest too . Then she came back and he went over to the branch as she looked down and did some poking then laid rocking motion . I was there Friday I saw both leave the area , around 1 she appeared . I left came back after 3:00 and she was still there. My friends showed up at 8:00 am Sat. she was in the nest ,. My assumption she either laid her egg Between Friday and Sat. as she was there Sun morning, Afternoon and evening when I checked up on her. Today Hubby saw her in the morning ,. I do want to mention, when I have past by I have encountered a few people right up against the fence and even parked on the South side Eagle side. Three guys the other day had their cars parked on the grass and they were along the fence. I think this is a critical time for the Eagles for us to get so close . The only thing I was able to point out to them the no parking sign but there is no sign saying to stay back a certain amount of feet . I'm bringing this up because I would like to have some clarification as to where we can stand and how close . The cops are passing by and are not bothered by it so am I assuming it's ok to stand against the fence or sidewalk ?
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Re: Lunch arrived @ 12:12pm :)

In reply to this post by NewMexiKen
Awesome capture Desiree !!!!
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Re: Lunch arrived @ 12:12pm :)

Lisa G
In reply to this post by Desiree
reat Picture ... I have been away for a few days .. I really think she layed Her first Egg on December 07 :) that is my Birthday :) any way I am going to look into what is going on with the signs .. I was told that they should have been up already .. NO ONE should be near the fence at all .. It says no parking on the nest side of the road .. if someone goes near the fence then everyone is going to go near it .. please give them the space they need to have healty eaglets .. I will be making  my phone calls tomorrow .. thanks Liza and many others for bringing this to my Attention it is very Joy there space ..

UPDATE !!!!    We are pleased to announce that we are now South Florida Pines Eagle Nest , Inc. a 501 C (3)  as of November 18, 2015 Public Charity Status 170 (b) (1) (A) (vi)  Employer Identification Number : 4-3116409 DLN: 26053716001635  . Donors can deduct contributions they make to us under IRC section 501 (c) (3)  If you have Donated in the last 27 months your Donation  is Tax Deductible ..

Thank you!! If anyone has questions please feel free send an email to
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Re: Lunch arrived @ 12:12pm :)

Lisa, at least one of the 'No Parking" signs had been knocked over and should be replaced so no one has an excuse for not knowing about the parking restriction. This is a matter of public safety.

I'n not sure whether the big roadside "sandwich" signs do more harm than good by calling more attention to the nest site by slowing down traffic and attracting passers-by. That would be a call for the City, as they have been putting them up for the past couple of years.

The sidewalk in front of the nest is an "existing disturbance" (as is Pines Boulevard itself) under the FWC guidelines and has been tolerated by the eagles in the past. It is a convenience and safety factor for students and other members of the public who must walk for and from the bus stops. Once the eggs are laid they are less likely to abandon the nest anyway.

By complaining we risk having the City further restrict viewing, as presently they do leave us alone when we park on the other side and in the south portion of the 209th Avenue cul-de-sac. I think education of the eagle watchers might accomplish more than asking for additional restrictions. We were so pleased when we got them to put up the fence because photographers had been walking right in under the nest.

Certainly the "No Parking" signs should be restored and the educational signs would be helpful.
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Re: Lunch arrived @ 12:12pm :)

I tend to agree with Ken as he's made some valid points , the one sign for the no parking is further east of the nest that many do not see  and park before the sign basically in front facing the nest the sign maybe should be placed more towards the east as the drivers would not miss it and will avoid even stopping any cars within that area ..... I don't think the eagles feel threatened by standing within the grass or even sidewalk but it does worry me that some may risk going beyond the fence as it's not secure at the moment . Photographers should know better but we have known to see some that dare and do what they want to get that SHOT :( maybe just some signs that say no trespassing beyond the fence should be sufficient . Just my opinion ....
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Re: Lunch arrived @ 12:12pm :)

Lisa G
In reply to this post by NewMexiKen
Ken , I do agree with you .. I am not going to complain and ask them to do more but that sign should have been back up by now .. I was told it would be back up that is what I am gong to check on ..That sign has has been down for awhile ... well I am going to the nest Sunday :):) I can't wait to see Pride & Joy ..

UPDATE !!!!    We are pleased to announce that we are now South Florida Pines Eagle Nest , Inc. a 501 C (3)  as of November 18, 2015 Public Charity Status 170 (b) (1) (A) (vi)  Employer Identification Number : 4-3116409 DLN: 26053716001635  . Donors can deduct contributions they make to us under IRC section 501 (c) (3)  If you have Donated in the last 27 months your Donation  is Tax Deductible ..

Thank you!! If anyone has questions please feel free send an email to