Sunday December 12 - Nest empty 9:00 AM

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Sunday December 12 - Nest empty 9:00 AM

Mary Lou and I watched the nest from about 8:45 until 9:25 AM. We then visited Chapel Trail Nature Center and returned briefly to the nest at about 10:30. At no time did we see any eagles, in the nest or in any of the nearby roosting areas.

A Cattle Egret (AKA "eagle food") walked along in front of the nest.

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Re: Sunday December 12 - Nest empty 9:00 AM

Jill W
Oh, I've seen that very cute little egret walking along the top of the hedges on the median. Wish I could catch him and move him to a safer location.  Now, every time I see one being a meal, I'll think it's him/her.

Well, I think we can be pretty sure there are no eggs yet.  Is it possible that there was one and the Red-shouldered Hawk got it?

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Re: Sunday December 12 - Nest empty 9:00 AM

I doubt that a hawk or any other predator would have been permitted to get the first egg, as they are extremely vigilant and actually begin almost continual incubation as soon as the egg is laid. Of course, I could be wrong. Only time will tell. Remember that they waited until the 18th of December last year.

By the way, a lone Sandhill Crane was standing next to the parking lot at Chapel Trail Nature Center. We saw it WALK ACROSS Sheridan Road. Highly risky behavior!

Here it is walking our the driveway towards the road:

Now it is walking along the other side of the street:

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Re: Sunday December 12 - Nest empty 9:00 AM

In reply to this post by NewMexiKen
today at 12.15 P.M I stop by to check the eagle , when arrive to the nest I did'nt see any of them , but as I was adjusting my venicular ,I saw one the eagle on the side of the nest, them I saw one coming out of the nest, both stay in the edge of the nest and screming to each other, them one flew away and the other when in the nest. I try to see the one in the nest but she laid to low that I can not see it. I left the nest and drive tor US 27 and I saw the one who flew away roosting on the mameluca. it appear as they taking turn in incuvering.
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Re: Sunday December 12 - Nest empty 9:00 AM

This observation does suggest that an egg has been laid. The nest is quite built up this year, and may indeed appear vacant when an incubating adult is present. Usually, the bird will get up and change position at uncertain intervals-- maybe anywhere from 20 minute to an hour. Just have to keep watching their behavior.