Video-- Eaglets eating white bird

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Video-- Eaglets eating white bird

Not sure which eaglet was the older one, but it may have switched sides early in the video and ended up on the left, not the right as I had said.

Best viewed in full screen size.

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Re: Video-- Eaglets eating white bird

Mike Fossler
WOW, I don't come for a week and the eaglets grow double in size! Your video reminds me to get back out before they are full grown! MF
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Re: Video-- Eaglets eating white bird

In reply to this post by NewMexiKen
Where is the nest?
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Re: Video-- Eaglets eating white bird

The nest is in Pembroke Pines, Florida. Follow this link (which is also above, on the Main Eagle Watch Page that hosts this Forum) to find another link to a PDF screen shot of the Florida FWC Eagle Nest Locator with a map showing the exact location: Searching for the Nest