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southwest florida eagle

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southwest florida eagle

64 posts
Hello everyone I'm new, on this website, i live just across the street of pines blvd, i moved one year since i move my husband and i see the eagle sitting on the wood by it self let me tell you he is there the entire year maybe he despaired for one moth but he return i guess he is protecting the nest right now i preying for the camera so we can see it, right now I'm washing live the nest on southwest Florida i think is fort myers my god it's beautiful you can see how they eat feed the eaglets how they take turn it's out of this world!!!!!! I JUST HOPE THAT WE CAN SEE IT OUR NEST LIVE VERY SOON.!!!!!!!
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Re: southwest florida eagle

Jill W
222 posts
Welcome, Myeagle!  I wish I lived closer to the PP nest.  Takes ne 45 minutes each way to get there and back.

I need to find the nest cam in Fort Myers.

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Re: southwest florida eagle

64 posts
In reply to this post by MyEagle13
to jill w thankyou for the welcome the southwest eagle nest is next to bayshore ave or something in a park
that it's call DICK PRITCHETT REAL ESTATE but in the mean time you can see her in the web camera live, i waching the nest all day long i just can't stop jijijij lol.....:-)